
Five for Friday 3 – Pasta

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I made pasta for the first time (I think, I might have made it once before but I have CRS today).


1.5 cup semolina flour
1.5 cup unbleached flour (next time I will try rice flour)
1 t salt
5 eggs (or 4 extra large)
2 T water
1 T coconut oil
Extra flour for rolling

Sift together the flours and salt. Make a well in the flour and put the eggs in the middle. Mix. Add the water and oil and mix. If it is too flaky, add water a tablespoon at a time. I get it to a bit thicker than cookie dough. Cover and let it rest for 20 minutes. I divided it and rolled it out on the counter with some flour to keep from sticking. Mine was a couple millimeters thick. I then roll/fold it (it looks like a crepe) and slice it thin, like cutting a log. I loosen up all the noodles and drop them in a pot of hot water for 3 minutes, until tender. I mixed with nutritional yeast, coconut oil, coconut milk, and garlic seasoning from The Melting Pot. The family really liked this yummy concoction! The pasta came out light and tasty!