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Well, the last 2 weeks have been all but a wash for training. Vacation, parent-teacher conferences, and just days off school have effectively erased any time I had to work out. I have to just continue my schedule for the 4 Months to a 4 Hour Marathon. I got in a couple of long runs that combined tempo and intervals so I got that into my routine. I have also increased my core/stretches circuit. I will publish the missing workout time as well as the schedule for this week.

I have been looking at Hal Higdon’s website. He has workouts for increasing speed at distance. I have already been incorporating some of the techniques he uses. The schedule is very similar to the 4 Hour but there is more running and he does not suggest cross-training unless you can find time to add it to one of the regular workouts. There are apps and great descriptions for why you are doing everything he includes in the workouts here. I really like this website.

Today I ran then came home to swim. I felt dizzy again after 100m or so. I swam another 60m and stopped. I think I am getting motion sickness. I do not generally get nauseated unless I push for 250m or more. The problem is, I was laid out for the rest of the day. I am not sure if I was just tired from lack of sleep for 3 straight nights, the water temperature, or it is an artifact of the swimming on my brain. I get motion sick when I play first person shooters and it is magnified when I am tired but I have only felt this when swimming recently. I have googled the topic and will look at some solutions. Drugs are not an option. Dramamine and other meds put you to sleep and I am not in the mood to drown. Other options suggest ginger and other types of supplements but the problem is not an upset stomach, it seems to be an vestibular canal problem. These canals have fluid in them and they keep us balanced. We get dizzy when the liquid is moving in one (or more) direction but the eyes are telling the brain that the body is not moving or is moving along a different plane (this is a simplified explanation). Nausea comes about (in theory) because the brain perceives there is some kind of toxin in the body and attempts to expel it.




spinning-child nausea-and-vomiting

I really hope this is something I can fix. I will not be able to do triathlons if this continues.

I am disappointed at losing a day to clean and do yard work. Tomorrow I go to the dentist and I am volunteering in my son’s class so I do not have much time to get in a good workout.

Sorry, this post is not very humorous but I still feel the effects of the motion sickness. I feel like I did when we went on our cruise for our honeymoon, very tired and I have a slight nagging headache (the kind that hangs out at the base of your skull and sets up shop all day).

Thank you to those that still read. I am grateful for you and your presence in my life.


4to4 Week 4

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Workout schedule

Monday – Wife off work so no workout

Tuesday – Cross-training – 150m swim

Run- 6 mile Tempo @9:30 min/mile

Wednesday – 10 x 400m @ 1:50

4 x 800 @ 3:50

Thursday – Run- 6 mile Tempo @9:30/mile

Friday – 12 miles @ 10 min/mile

Saturday – weights and yoga stretches

Sunday – stretches and rest

Meditation 40 minutes daily

I will see if I can get my road bike working this week so I can expand my crosstraining to include rides. The pool is getting colder and I am not sure how much longer I can keep swimming. Last year I swam for awhile after runs but it was the cold on my head that stopped me from continuing. No fat there makes it really painful to swim in cold water. I will also look into an insulated hood from a scuba suit (if there is such a thing) because I really need the swim practice and I can not afford a fitness center pass.

My largest barrier continuing forward is getting past my own thoughts on speed. I am constantly holding myself back when I run for fear of burnout or injury or overtraining. Unfortunately this has transmitted into my mentality on raceday. I have started looking at this thought process and I hope to change it come raceday into something more productive. I can go faster than I have been going and I know it. I was always looking at it as just another run before. Now, it is a race. The rest is training. I need to trust that all my training will have the effect of running faster for longer than I do during the training. This next marathon is going to be something different for me. Pardon me while I go out to train now.



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Sitting at the mall (I guess they didn’t see us come in because they did not come up to clean as soon as the kids got their shoes off) and realizing I have been slacking way too much in the blog department. I knew that the lack of iPad would result in this. I apologize. I think I was also using the cathartic effects of the blog to help deal with a situation I was not satisfied with. I have since left that job. So has some of my motivation to keep blogging. I have other reasons to keep blogging and I am in the process of reorganizing the way I think about and approach this blog. I will continue to write about fitness, family, and food. Those are the most important things in my life. I love all the people I have met through their blogs and I  thoroughly enjoy reading about other people’s lives, loves, trials, and triumphs. I will continue to do so. For those that read my blog, please bear with me. I am in transition and I am trying to sort through my daily schedule to find a natural time to blog. It will come. Namaste.